Pursuant to MAE Circular no. 3/2013 https://www.esteri.it/en/ministero/normativaonline/circolari/ below is a list of the reference professionals operating within the jurisdiction of the Italian Consulate in Manchester. The names are listed in alphabetical order at the request of interested parties. The list is not exhaustive but open to additions at the request of interested parties. Requests are to be emailed to manchester.servizi@esteri.it and must be accompanied by:
- professional curriculum;
- self-certification regarding knowledge of the Italian language, the fact of not having been criminally convicted and not having ongoing criminal proceedings;
- ID copy;
- details to be published on the Consulate’s website, including: name and surname or company name, profession, address, telephone number, e-mail, website (if any), specialization (if any), other useful elements.
This Consulate does not verify the activity of professionals, nor is responsible for their actions. The Consulate takes no responsibility for the quality of the services provided by said professionals, nor for the outcome of any commitments undertaken by them. This Consulate declines any responsibility for any damage resulting from inaccuracies or omissions in the personal data provided by professionals.
The Consulate reserves the right to annually verify the possession of the qualifications required by individual professionals, as well as their availability. The names of those professionals resulting unreachable will be deleted from the list without any notice.
To be accepted by the British academic authorities, translations into English of Italian qualifications must be accompanied by a certification from the translator, on his headed paper, attesting to the conformity of the text in English to the one in Italian.
Nome e Cognome |
Maria Aurora Albano | Specialista documenti burocratici/ interprete giudiziaria | 20 Croft Lodge, Barton Road, Cambridge CB3 9LA | Tel. 0845 8686222
Mob. 07745 238665 |
albano.translator@gmail.com |
Daniela Ascoli | Conference interpreter and translator | London, United Kingdom | Mob. 07798 625 461 | ascolid@gmail.com |
Raffaella Benelli | Certificati, commerciale, legale | Sutton, Greater London, United Kingdom | Mob. 07462 536 326 | rbenelli74@gmail.com |
Dott. Marco Boldini | Traduttore certificato | Oriel Chambers, 14 Water Street, Liverpool, L2 8TD | Tel.: +44 (0) 7379473120 | info@boldininotary.co.uk |
Cristina Boscaino | Traduttrice ed interprete | London, United Kingdom | Tel. 020 7460 0130Mob. 07824 347667 | cristina@wordsathand.com |
Maria Elena Calicchia | Certificati, documenti ufficiali e tecnico-scientifici | 2 Rectory gardens, Looe, PL13 2TA, United Kingdom | Mob. 07723 551609 | elena@dickenstranslations.com |
Aisha Barbara Farina | Traduttrice qualificata | 80 Halstead Street, LE5 3RD Leicester | Mob. 07815 500826 | info@barakatranslations.com |
Elena Ferrara | Traduttrice ed interprete | London, United Kingdom | Mob. 0731 2012254 | info@elenaferrara.eu |
Giorgia Garavini | English/French > Italian certified translator. Specialisations: certificates, official and legal documents. MITI and ISO qualified. | United Kingdom | Mob. 0777 2714741 | info@giorgiagaravini.com |
Ariful Hoque | Interprete e traduttore | United Kingdom | Mob. 07857 967 129 | linguist@arifhq.com |
Beatrice Notarianni | Traduttrice qualificata (B.A., M.A., MITI) | Chatham, United Kingdom | Mob. 07752 303440 | info@beatrice-notarianni.co.uk |
Jessica Oppedisano | Traduttrice e interprete | London, United Kingdom | Mob. 07741 624050 | jessica.oppedisano@gmail.com |
Katiuska Parra | Traduttrice qualificata e certificata | London, United Kingdom | Mob. 07541 247883 | katiuska.a.parra@gmail.com |
Simona Riccio | Traduttrice e interprete | London, United Kingdom | Mob 07832 134321 | perfectlingo@gmail.com |
Stefano Santosuosso | Certified translator | Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom | Mob. 07926 231109 | stefanos@italianservices.info |
Rosalia Sinaguglia | Traduzione giuridico, economica, medica e legale | London, United Kingdom | Mob. 07511 203369 | rosaliasinaguglia@yahoo.it |
Cinzia Michelis | Traduttrice giurata e certificata, specialista documenti legali e anagrafici | Greater London, UK | Mob. +39 3774137409 | cinzia.michelis@btinternet.com |
Antonella Gramola Sands | Traduttrice e intrerprete inglese/tedesco/spagnolo > italiano, specializzata in traduzioni legali e tecniche; chartered linguist, ISO 17100 Qualified (ITI) | 22 Furlong Road, Stamford Bridge, York YO41 1PX | Tel. 01759 372722Mob. 07740 123773 | agramolasands@aol.com |
Gabriella Barra | Traduttrice e interprete, specialista testi medico-legali (MITI) | 64 Clarence Av. Clapham, London SW 48JF | Tel. 0781 81 78 396 | gabribarra62@gmail.com |
The documents signed by the Notary, to be valid in Italy, must be legalized by the “Legalisation Department of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office”. For more information visit the link: https://www.gov.uk/get-document-legalised.
Avv. Marco Boldini | Notary Public – England & Wales | Oriel Chambers, 14 Water Street, Liverpool, L2 8TD | Tel.: +44 (0) 7379473120 | info@boldininotary.co.uk |
Gaglione Notaries:
Roberto Gaglione Giuseppe Gaglione |
Notaries Public | Tel. +44 (0) 20 7936 3555
Mob. +44 (0) 74 1497 4279 |
info@slignotaries.com; |
Avv. Alessandro Belluzzo | Diritto del lavoro, commerciale, tributario | 38 Craven Street, London, WC2N 5NG | Tel. 0207 004 2660 | alessandro.belluzzo@belluzzo.net |
Avv. Gianluigi Cassandra
Avvocato Cassazionista Solicitor |
Diritto Commerciale, Diritto Civile, Procure generali e speciali, Successioni, Immigrazione. | Centurion House, 129 Deansgate, Manchester, M33WR | Mob. (Text & WhatsApp) +44 (0)7492807686 | info@glcassandralaw.com |
Avv. Vania Mariniello | Contratti, Procure, Famiglia | IMD Solicitors LLP, 15th Floor, 111 Piccadilly, Manchester M1 2HY | Tel. +44 (0) 2380223307Mob. +44 (0) 7541925157 | v.marinello@vaniamarinellosolicitor.com |
Avv. Santa Vitolo | Diritto immobiliare,successorio, proprietà intellettuale | Stockport Business & Innovation Centre (SBIC)Third Floor, Broadstone Mill, Broadstone Road, Stockport
SK5 7DL |
Tel. +44 (0) 20 32873290
Mob. +44 (0) 7462623217 |
avv.santavitolo@gmail.com |
Avv. Vincenzo Senatore | Penale, di Famiglia, Cross border transactions | 111 Piccadilly, London Road, Manchester M1 2HY | Tel. +44 (0) 1615275400 | vincenzo.senatore@giambronelaw.com |
Slig Law LLP:
Avv. Alessandro Gaglione Avv. Giuseppe Gaglione Avv. Roberto Gaglione |
Diritto immobiliare, societario, successorio, diritto dell’immigrazione | Tel. +44 (0) 20 7489 2014 | info@sliglaw.com | |
Avv. Alessandro Amicarelli
(Avvocato, solicitor of England and Wales, Giudice arbitro) |
Immigrazione individuale e societaria, Commerciale, Titoli di Studio, Arbitrato | England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland | Tel. 0207 7397549 | alex@obasekisolicitors.com ; alessandro.amicarelli@pec-ordineavvocatiancona.it |
Dott. Vincenzo Borelli | Contabilità società, consulenza fiscale, CIS, Sole trader | London, United Kingdom | Tel. 020 7841 1391 | info@vfconsulting.uk |
Dott.ssa Francesca Romana Bottara | Consulenza e Assistenza Fiscale Tributaria in Italia e UK, Contabilità | 54 Sloane Avenue SW3 3EL, London | Mob. 07508 779312 | frbottari@gmail.comoberts.com |
Dott. Luca Mancini | Bookkeping and Annual Accounts, Tax Advice, Payroll Services | United Kingdom | Mob. 07935 065473 | info@studiolucamancini.com |
Dott. Vincenzo Quinto | Consulenza fiscale, aperture LTD, dichiarazione VAT, buste paga, self assessment, bilanci, contabilità | London, United Kingdom | Tel. 02083717892 | vincenzo@italianaccountants.com |
Dott.ssa Valentina Raia | Servizi di contabilita’ per piccole e medie imprese e liberi professionisti | 15 Boxwood Drive BB25AN Blackburn | Mob. 07802634040 | info@redroseaccounting.com |
Dott.ssa Samantha del Vigna Dobson | Accountant | GREG’S Buildings, 1 Booth St, Manchester M2 4AD | Mob. 07767169433 | sales@delvignaltd.com |
Dott.ssa Giada Frontino | Ginecologa | London, United Kingdom | Tel. 07515029342 | info@drgiadafrontino.com |
Dott.ssa Filomena Paciello | General Practitioner (GP) | London, United Kingdom | Mob. 07838371624 | filomena.paciello@nhs.net |
Dott. Tommaso Palumbo | Psicologo | London, United Kingdom | Tel. 07939141835 | info@phemiology.com |
Dott. Giuseppe Sforza | Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon | Reading, United Kingdom | Tel. 07488 384479 | gsforza@readingshoulderunit.com |
La Dante in Cambridge | St.John’s Innovation Centre , Cowley Road,
Milton, Cambridge – CB4 0WS |
Tel: +44 (0) 7822010718 |